Tag Archives: when it rains it storms

Opportunities come in awkward packages

You remember that time when you got sent something interesting – even awesome – but it came in an awkward package, at an awkward time in your life and you just didn’t know how to say ‘Thank You’ nicely to the person who gave it?

Me too.

It’s not that you were unappreciative or being difficult; sometimes you’re between a rock, a hard place and somehow a box of ants got dumped on you from above and you’re flipping out lines from the dark, terrible crevices of your nightmares that should never see the light of day. And usually, when this is happening, you don’t expect to be given something nice to chew on (you know the saying “when it rains…”).

You just hope they realised that it was an awkward moment, and let you apologise for being a basket case.

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